What does it take for a politician to be well dressed?

Sponsored by Brad Gerstman’s Annual Best Dressed Politician List

Brad Gerstman joins Skye for a window shopping trip, and discusses the kind of attention to detail he looks for when writing up his annual list of New York’s best dressed politicians. Click the video for a guest appearance by state Senator Kevin Parker, and scroll below for the full list!


Sponsored and written by Brad Gerstman

With New York Fashion Week on our minds, I thought it was the perfect time to dust off an old tradition and name the best dressed elected officials in New York state. This was supposed to be the year we could finally come out of our man caves and fallout/shelters kitchen offices and put COVID in the rearview mirror.

One need not be a fashionista or to want to leave the dreariness of sweats and tee-shirts behind in favor of adult professional attire. With this in mind, I have singled out the very best-dressed male elected officials of New York State.

In no particular order…

Mayor Eric Adams has always dressed for success. His ensemble telegraphs strength, intellect and charm. A smart dresser with a healthy tilt toward convention and neatness with a dash forward looking flare. Smart suits. Great thick solid ties. Even when he goes sans tie, or on a Citi Bike, or shoveling snow, he looks like every bit the City’s Chief Executive.

Assemblyman Mike Benedetto – no one talks about his style enough. No, really. The man goes with the thick ties, and knots and will be adventurous with ties and shirts. A snappy dresser if ever there was one, Benedetto’ style may be Albany’s best kept secret.

City Council Member Erik Bottcher is “the guy next door.” I’d happily give him the keys to feed my dog or water my plants. Wholesome, rolled up sleeves, backpack, ready to go to work look. Winning smile. Brave enough to go with chinos and old school superstar Adidas. A new fresh together look, whether wearing a tie or casual attire that engenders trust.

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein … just yes. Even though he wears his sharp long black “rekels” jacket and slacks so prevalent on the streets of Borough Park, he does it better than the rest. Well-tailored, with a youthful demeanor and always a trim good looking beard, Simcha is a fashion icon in ultra-orthodox Brooklyn.

Senator Mike Martucci – what a clean cut dude! Always looks like he stepped off the set of a Hollywood blockbuster. Suits, shirts and ties are always the epitome of perfection. Perfect fit. Perfect combinations, always. He doesn’t wear sharkskin like the Hollywood rat pack, but that’s a good thing.

Senator Zellnor Myrie – Ivy League meets politics. Did I just say that? Anyway, he is young, sharp, and looks just as good casually dressed as he does with his suits and ties. A Brooklyn Tech, Fordham and Cornell man; he looks every bit the part when he steps on the floor of the Senate. Keep your eye on him if you can keep up with him.

Senator Kevin Parker is always number one in my book. Pays great attention to detail. Wears amazing dinner jackets to evening affairs like a pro. He must have a closet filled with suits for all occasions. Ever senatorial, his bow tie and silk pocket square game is the best in town.

Congressman Tom Suozzi is straight out of central casting. Exactly what a politician should look like. A sharp economical dresser whose attire conveys just the right amount of energy, pizzazz and sincerity. A natural look and feel despite always being perfectly quaffed. A white cotton pocket square usually finishes off his look.

Assemblyman Al Taylor – don’t take this gent for granted. This is a guy who has it all. Great suits, colorful hankies, bow ties in amazing hues, and a movie star’s head of hair. Sartorial splendor executed with military precision securing a simply divine result. I have my money on him as the future cover of Albany Esquire.

Congressman Lee Zeldin doesn’t need to be in a dress uniform to look sharp and commanding. This is a guy who looks fit and polished wearing military fatigues or rolled short sleeves. Perhaps then it isn’t surprising that he looks great when he suits up to do battle on the Hill in a dark blue suit and power tie. Not the flashy type, he makes up for it with attention to detail and refinement.

Editor’s Note: “Political Personalities With Skye” is part of a new multimedia division of City & State that will include videos and podcasts. The editorial team of City & State is not involved in the scheduling or production of these videos or podcasts. All requests or inquiries for “Political Personalities With Skye” should be sent to skye@cityandstateny.com.

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